It is to a trough around the vertical axis of the bend and made into a Spiral concentrator , spiral with three to five laps, fixed on the vertical bracket on the spiral groove of parabolic or elliptical cross-section of part of bottom in the longitudinal (along the ore flow flow direction) and horizontal (radial) there is a certain tilt. By the second lap, about the middle of the bottom with heavy product discharge pipe (4 to 6), with the upper cut-off discharge tube feeder, it can intercept heavy mineral ore logistics to make it into the discharge pipe discharge , cut two feeder trough scraper pressed in the surface, and one of the movable scraper can be rotated to adjust the size of two scraper angle between the mouth and thus regulate the emission of heavy minerals, as shown in Figure 39. To improve the quality of the product weight, in the groove edge of the water with a number of points, known as the wash water, which consists of the central pipe into the tank through the valve to the edge.
Separation, the slurry from the tank along the upper part of uniform width uniform to mine into the device, the slurry flows along the trough occurred during stratification, heavy minerals into the bottom, and the combined effect of forces within the edge of the slot movement; light minerals in the fast rotary movement left behind the outer edge. Thus, the density of different mineral particles that started in the slot of the horizontal sub-band, as shown in Figure 40. Flow along the tank edge to be cut heavy mineral feeder block, through the discharge pipe discharged from the top of the first to the second discharge pipe to get the highest quality of product weight, product quality and reduce the following heavy. Edge of the wash water tank plus the product of a mixture of some of the weight toward the outer edge of the light minerals, help to improve the quality of concentrate. Tailings from the discharge end of the lower slot.
Figure 38 spiral concentrator
1 - to the mine shafts; 2-- rinse water guide groove; 3 - spiral groove; 4-- spiral groove flange;
5-- tailings discharge chute; 6-- rack; 7-- heavy mineral discharge nozzle